how to brew hibiscus tea: delicious recipe and tips

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once you taste the vibrant hibiscus tea, you’ll most likely find yourself craving it again and again. it’s a go-to drink, whether you need warmth on chilly days or a refreshing sip on scorching summer days. we’ll unravel how to make hibiscus tea for both seasons using our simple recipe.

our hibiscus tea recipe can be crafted throughout the year by using freshly picked blooms or dried petals. join us to discover the art of brewing a warm and soothing herbal tea or a tangy and utterly refreshing iced hibiscus tea. but before we start learning how to make hibiscus tea, let’s explore what makes it so special.

what is hibiscus tea?

Hibiscus tea is a vibrant, ruby-red herbal tea made from the dried petals of the hibiscus flower. If you’re a fan of fruity and slightly tart tea you’d enjoy this one. Plus, it’s both refreshing and thirst-quenching. One sip of this ruby-coloured brew and you're transported to the stunning landscapes of the Aussie outback. It's not just a cup of tea, it's a sensory experience.

It may even be one of those drinks that you can have on repeat mode and want to bookmark the page that shows how to make hibiscus tea. By the way, we got 1.84 million results when we searched how to make hibiscus tea. So there’re a lot of pages to choose from.

But don’t go anywhere, we’ll show you how to make hibiscus tea right here.

how to make hibiscus tea?

we're about to show you a simple way to brew this amazing drink using our guide on how to make hibiscus tea and some of its variations.


Total Servings:-



Preparation Time:-

5 Minutes


Cooking Times:-

15 minutes


Nutritional Value:-

3 calories, 0g fat, 1g carbs, 0g protein


Recipe Category:-






  • saucepan or pot
  • sieve
  • jug


  • 1 cup of dried hibiscus flowers (or 2½ cups of fresh petals)
  • 8 cups of water (filtered)
  • sweetener (optional)
  • lemon or lime slices (optional)


gather the ingredients: start by collecting 1 cup of dried hibiscus flowers or about 2½ cups of fresh petals (discard other parts of the flower). if you’re using, also keep a sweetener and fresh lemons or lime handy.

boil the kettle: pop a saucepan or pot on heat and boil 8 cups of filtered water. once the water starts boiling, you're ready for the next step.

infuse the petals: add the hibiscus petals and sweetener to the saucepan and let it boil for a few more minutes. now, remove from heat and let the transformation begin as the vibrant petals infuse their colour and flavour into the water.

steep: cover the pot or saucepan and let the hibiscus flowers steep for about 10-15 minutes – if you want a stronger flavour, just steep it longer. before the next step, stir gently and taste a little to make sure you like it.

strain and pour: grab a strainer and strain the infused water into a jug, discarding the hibiscus leaves. you can add the lime juice at this point and stir gently. that’s all there is to know about how to make hibiscus tea.

iced hibiscus tea (optional): if you're making iced tea, you can let the tea chill in the fridge for a few hours. when it’s time, serve the tea over ice.

garnish (optional): for an extra touch of citrusy zing, toss in a slice of lemon and serve.

variations of hibiscus tea

most of us won’t be satisfied with just learning the standard hibiscus tea recipe. neither are we! so, we compiled a list of ideas on how to make hibiscus tea variations.

  • let’s kick off our hibiscus tea recipe variations with ginger. begin with the standard recipe, and when the hibiscus petals are steeping, add a 1-inch slice of ginger. that’s it – continue the rest of the process to enjoy a tasty hibiscus tea with the subtle spiciness of ginger. if you want to increase the spiciness, add cinnamon or cardamom – just toss in a 1-inch cinnamon stick or a few cardamom pods during the brewing process, for added layers of flavour.
  • you’ll enjoy this variation even more if you’re a green tea enthusiast. throw in one teapigs green tea bag per serving and let it steep with hibiscus petals for about 5 minutes, and voila! your soothing hibiscus green tea is ready to be enjoyed.
  • for those moments when you crave a caffeine boost, try this variation with black tea. swap the green tea bags with teapigs black tea bags and you're good to go!
  • you can enhance the flavour of both iced and hot hibiscus tea by introducing mint. a simple and effective way is to add mint just before serving for its cooling and refreshing properties.
  • we couldn’t end this list without mentioning how to make hibiscus tea cocktails. steep teapigs super fruit teabags with the hibiscus petals (as in the standard recipe), then remove the teabags and refrigerate. once it’s chilled, pour it over ice, add your favourite vodka and enjoy.

hibiscus tea recipe variations

Most of us won’t be satisfied with just learning how to make hibiscus tea using the basic hibiscus tea recipe. Neither are we! So we compiled a list of ideas on how to make hibiscus tea variations.

  • Here’s how to make hibiscus tea with ginger. Let the tartness of hibiscus and the spiciness of ginger get you a warm and delicious variation. Just add 1 inch of sliced ginger with the flowers and let it steep for 5-10 minutes for nice hibiscus ginger tea. Speaking of spiciness, let’s touch on how to make hibiscus tea with other spices like cinnamon, cardamom or saffron. Add 1 inch of cinnamon stick to tea as it steeps for 5-10 minutes. Similarly, some pods of cardamom or a few strands of saffron can be steeped with the tea.  
  • You can even chuck green tea in the mix. Just steep 4 green tea bags with hibiscus for about 5 minutes and voila! Now you know how to make hibiscus tea with green tea.
  • When you want some caffeine to boost your energy, dive into this note on how to make hibiscus tea with black tea. Steep 4 black tea bags with hibiscus petals. Just 5 minutes should be fine.
  • Mint goes well with both iced hibiscus tea and hot tea. So, it’s a good idea to check out how to make hibiscus tea with mint. Just add mint before serving and the blend will have the cooling and refreshing properties of mint.
  • Some of us like sweet floral notes of rose in tea. If that includes you, skim through this note on how to make hibiscus tea with rose tea in a very simple way. Before serving just add ½ teaspoon of rosewater to the tea and stir.
  • We couldn’t end this list without a note on how to make hibiscus tea cocktails. Steep 4 teapigs super fruit teabags for about 5 minutes. Remove the teabags and refrigerate. Once it’s chilled, add sparkling water and your favourite vodka. Chuck some ice. Enjoy. 

secret tips and tricks for making perfect hibiscus tea

If you already know how to make hibiscus tea but need some tips to make a perfect cup, we’ve got you covered.

  • To make iced hibiscus tea, it’s best to steep the hibiscus petals overnight. However, you can also use the basic tea recipe to make hibiscus tea and then refrigerate it.  
  • Experiment with different variations of the tea. You can start with the ones we have provided and then go on to create your own.
  • Hibiscus tea is also a great base for fruity mocktails or cocktails. Add a splash of vodka or tequila, some fresh fruit juice and some mint for a refreshing and colourful cocktail.
  • Finally, don't forget about the presentation! Hibiscus tea is a beautiful, deep red colour that looks stunning in a clear glass or teapot. Also, garnish well – take a slice of lemon or some fresh mint. That’ll surely tweak it up.

storage instructions for your leftover hibiscus tea

After you’ve made the tea and enjoyed it too, you may end up with some leftovers. But there’s no point in discarding an amazing drink such as this. So here’s how to make hibiscus tea leftovers last longer.

Just let your hibiscus tea cool down to room temperature before storing it. Pour it into a jug with a lid and place it in the fridge. You can also freeze your leftover hibiscus tea in ice cube trays. This is a great way to use up small amounts of leftover tea. You can even add the cubes to other drinks.

serving hibiscus tea

now that we know how to make hibiscus tea recipe, let’s consider its serving options. for that, you can rely on its versatility – it can be served either piping hot or refreshingly cold. depending on the season and the time of the day, you can easily customise the drink for yourself or your guests.

you can also infuse it with interesting add-ons like raspberry, rosewater, ginger or green tea to transform it into a uniquely flavoured drink. during summer, you can easily craft a refreshing iced hibiscus tea and then simply garnish it with fresh mint and serve it chilled in glasses as a cool refreshment.

when you host an afternoon tea party, consider serving iced hibiscus tea – your guests are likely to appreciate the brilliant colour and refreshing taste. the blend of tartness and sweetness, combined with mint and citrus juice, creates an outstanding experience that’ll have your guests asking for more.

hibiscus tea vs. other herbal teas

while there’s a vast variety of herbal teas, we’ll compare hibiscus tea with a select other – the comparison is done across four parameters:

ingredients |colour | aroma | flavour

hibiscus tea: primarily hibiscus petals | vibrant deep red | fruity and slightly tart | bold and tangy (similar to cranberry juice).

peppermint tea: peppermint leaves | pale greenish | strong and refreshing | refreshing and minty.

lemon & ginger tea: ginger, lemongrass, lemon peel | light yellow | zesty and mildly spicy | citrusy with a spicy kick.

chamomile tea: pure whole chamomile flowers | golden-yellow | gentle and calming | mild and floral.

liquorice & mint tea: liquorice root, peppermint leaves | brownish | sweet and minty | sweet with a hint of mint.

apple & cinnamon tea: apple, cinnamon, apple pomace, roasted chicory root, citric acid, sweet blackberry leaves | amber | fruity with a warm cinnamon aroma | fruity with warm cinnamon notes.

rhubarb & ginger tea: 50% rhubarb, 50% ginger | pinkish | tangy with a spicy ginger fragrance | tangy with a spicy ginger undertone.

lemongrass tea: pure lemongrass | light yellow green | zesty and citrusy | citrusy and bright


That's a wrap, tea enthusiasts! We hope that you enjoyed exploring how to make hibiscus tea and its variations.

From classic hibiscus tea to mocktail or cocktail blends – there’s a hibiscus tea recipe for everyone. So why not explore and discover your own favourite way to enjoy this vibrant and refreshing drink?

And don't forget to keep the tips and tricks handy to know how to make hibiscus tea perfectly and also to know how to make hibiscus tea leftovers last longer. When you’re ready to give it a go, check out teapigs mood-o-meter for some amazing tea recommendations.  

faqs on hibiscus tea

Q. what is the best sweetener for hibiscus tea?

A. several sweeteners pair well with hibiscus tea – choose the one that suits you best. some of the options are honey, stevia, agave syrup or sugar. alternatively, you can experiment with fruit juices like orange or berry when you’re mastering how to make hibiscus tea recipe.

Q. how much hibiscus do you put in tea?

A. The amount of hibiscus you put in your tea can vary depending on your taste preferences, but usually, 1-2 teaspoons of dried hibiscus flowers are enough for 1 cup of water. It’s a good idea to try our hibiscus tea recipe first. Once you know how to make hibiscus tea, try experimenting with different ratios and go with the taste you like.

Q. how to make 1 cup of hibiscus tea?

A. We’ve already seen how to make hibiscus tea for 8 cups. To make 1 cup of hibiscus tea, boil 1 cup of water in a pot with 1-2 teaspoons of dried hibiscus flowers. After it’s boiled, remove it from the heat and let the tea steep for 5-10 minutes. Strain and remove the petals. Add honey and enjoy.

Q. is hibiscus tea caffeine free?

A. yes, hibiscus tea is naturally caffeine-free – an excellent choice if you need to reduce caffeine intake. and, by learning how to make hibiscus tea, you can enjoy this refreshing drink throughout the day.


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